May you be blessed by reading these! Lots of prayer and talking to God went in to each and every one of these posts. Some of them took days or weeks to write. Sometimes, I go back and still edit them. I get inspiration from friends, family, Facebook, you name it. A special thank you to every friend that I've ever peppered with questions to gain a deeper knowledge or a different perspective--I couldn't do it without you guys! To all of the people in my past, I am in hopes I protected your identity well enough, and I forgive you for the hurt you caused me. God used that pain to bring beauty up from the ashes.
In March, executive orders from governors across the country forced us to stay home, to close schools and churches and to shut down private businesses. Businesses were classified as either "essential" or "non-essential." All businesses deemed "non-essential" were forced to close. This included markets, clothing stores, boutiques, dine-in restaurants, and beauty salons. State parks, city parks, beaches, walking trails, lakes, and other wide open spaces were closed as well. Many people feel that the "social distancing," as it has come to be known, and stay at home executive orders violate their constitutional rights, such as our First Amendment right to freely exercise our religion, our right to peaceably assemble, and that we shall not be deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Some of the people who feel their rights have been violated have decided to exercise their First Amendment right to protest. Some have even chosen
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